Ulrike Johannsen


Ulrike Johannsen Dark Matter


Dark Matter_the wilderness / Magazin-Zeitungsseiten / Tusche / Goldseil Knäuel / Bambus Hocker / Spiegel
Maße variabel / Bamboo Curtain Studio / Zhu Wei / Taipei Taiwan R.O.C. / 2012

Dark Matter_the wilderness / magazine pages / ink / golden rope / Bamboo stool / mirror
Measurements variable / Bamboo Curtain Studio / Zhu Wei / Taipei Taiwan R.O.C. / 2012


Ulrike Johannsen Dark Matter Detail01


Ulrike Johannsen Dark Matter Detail 02



It was in another lifetime / one of toil and blood /
when blackness was a virtue / and the road was full of mud /
I came in from the wilderness / a creature void of form /
come in, she said, I´ll give you / shelter from the storm.